
Transcend Glucose Gels | National Diabetes Awareness Month

Written by Transcend Foods | Nov 2, 2020 5:00:00 AM


November 2, 2020

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month – which means all month long we are celebrating YOU! Come to think of it, you should celebrate yourself a bit more this month, you deserve it. We thought there’d be no better way to celebrate than listing off our top five self-care tips. From taking the extra time to get outdoors or staying organized, to stepping away from the electronics and moving your body – there are many ways to help yourself feel happy, resilient, and healthy inside and out – not just during National Diabetes Month, but every day. 

The Great Outdoors

Getting outdoors is one of the best ways to show yourself a little extra self care. Some days, a breath of fresh air is all it takes to become more mindful and have lower stress levels. In fact, studies have shown that being outside can lessen overall fatigue, which can reduce or eliminate symptoms of burnout and depression AND help you sleep better at night. Some of our personal favorite outdoor activities include gardening, taking a hike, or simply going on a short walk around the block with a pet! Winter or summer, rain or shine – enjoying the outdoors is our favorite tip for showing yourself some extra care and appreciation. 

Organize, Organize, Organize!

Did you know that of all ways to increase serotonin and reduce stress levels, cleaning and organization are top on the list? Staying organized is often one of the most effective steps in becoming a healthier version of you. Keeping yourself, your space, AND your schedule organized is important to feeling in control of everyday life, even on the busiest and most stressful of days! Small changes such as staying up-to-date with your calendar, or organizing/cleansing around the house a few times during the week may free up the extra headspace you need to be the best version of you!

Step Away From the Electronics

Nowadays, most of us are glued to our screens. Whether it be scrolling through social media for hours, watching a show on tv, or staring at a computer screen during work, it’s important to step away every now and then and give yourself space. There are a few major reasons for this – the biggest being that there are absolutely endless amounts of media and news outlets to consume at all times. Taking a break from constantly consuming is important to maintaining positive control of our own mental health. Along with this, the blue light that exudes from all of the electronic devices we use regularly are hard on the eyes. Studies show that looking at a tv or phone screen right before bed can disrupt a healthy sleep cycle. A good practice is to avoid screens at least 30 minutes before bed for a more restful night of sleep, and 30 minutes after waking up to ensure a more peaceful morning.

Get Your Body Movin’!

It’s common knowledge that exercising regularly is good for health, but do we really know how good it is? Getting your body moving at least once throughout the day will not only help you feel your best both physically and mentally, but boost your mood and reduce stress and anxiety levels! As part of your self care routine, we encourage you to think about the ways you have the most fun exercising. Whether it be playing an outdoor sport with friends, dancing, yoga, or a simple gym session, getting your body moving at least once a day is a fantastic way to show yourself some extra love. The most important thing is to choose what physical activity works best for you, and get movin’!

Schedule Your Self-Care Time, and Protect it!

Considering the extra weight we’re all carrying this year on top of already busy schedules, it can be challenging to find the extra time. However, it’s extremely important to plan (and even look forward to) regular self-care time. At the end of the day, these moments of time solely dedicated to caring for ourselves will ultimately be what brings consistent grounding, health, and peace into your daily life. Whether it’s the tips listed above, or more personal acts of self care like a hot bath, cup of tea, deep breathing, or time with loved ones – taking time for yourself is imperative to overall growth and happiness!

We hope you enjoyed our top 5 self-care tips to celebrate YOU all throughout National Diabetes Month and beyond. Feel free to get in touch with us for more self-care ideas and tips for diabetics. And as always, be sure to snag some Transcend Glucose Gels if you’re feeling low!

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