
Transcend Glucose Gels | Transcend Warrior - Jennifer Burrow | Treat Low Blood Sugar

Written by Transcend Foods | May 11, 2020 4:00:00 AM

May 11, 2020

My Story:

When I was pregnant with my son, my mom hadn’t heard from me in about a day so she went to my apartment and found me in bed unresponsive. I had dropped low in my sleep. She and my sister got me to drink and eat some things and I came up. When I came to, I thought it was still 7AM the morning before but it was really 7PM the next evening. I lost an entire day.

My Health Details
Type of Diabetes:Type 1
Low blood sugar instances per week:4-5 Instances
Daily number of times checking blood sugar:4-6 times/day
Managing Diabetes with:Insulin Pump
What age were you diagnosed with diabetes?16+
How long does it typically take you to come up when you are low?Under 1 hour
Do you have a diabetic hero that you look up to? If so, who and why?

None in particular, but children. Any child who has to deal with the struggles of this disease daily are the strongest people I know. It breaks my heart to see a child go through this because I know how much it sucks, but it also makes me so proud of them for doing it every day.

What is your biggest challenge with diabetes?

For whatever reason I just cant seem to keep my numbers in line. I feel like stress has a lot to do with it and I’m working on that.

What have you learned from your experiences with diabetes?

Diabetes sucks but it’s manageable. You have to control your diabetes and not let it control you.