October 8, 2019
My Story:
I began skijoring with my dog a few years ago. I could only go 1/2k and had to turn back exhausted. I’m now skiing 15k and have energy left. I couldn’t run around a city block, and ran 4 miles last week. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at the age of 40. Looking back, I think I developed it years before but as I was relatively fit, active, no family history and “low risk,” it never occurred to me or my doctor. Three years later, I am now in better shape and better educated about diet and nutrition. I’m active outdoors year round. In my last race with my two huskies the temperature was -42C.
My Health Details
Type of Diabetes:Type 2
Low blood sugar instances per week:1-3 Instances
Daily number of times checking blood sugar:4-6 times/day
Managing Diabetes with:Other (medication, exercise)
How has Transcend helped treat your low blood sugars?
Taste great, known glucose content.