
Transcend Glucose Gels | Transcend Warrior - Leilah Mennes | Treat Low Blood Sugar

Written by Transcend Foods | Oct 14, 2019 4:00:00 AM

October 14, 2019


My Story:

I’m Leilah. I am a 13 year old athlete living with type one diabetes since I was 8 years old. I love sports. I have been involved with an activity since I was 2 years old (started in 3 styles of dance). Then Softball came at the age of 4. The love I have for softball is like none other. I currently play for a travel exposure softball team as well as my school team. It’s my most passionate hobby. I am currently playing my second year of school volleyball and will begin my second year of school basketball this month. Sports is what keeps me focused and motivated and it helps me through the hard days of diabetes. You see, I have adrenaline “Highs” as athletic and outgoing as I am, the adrenaline I carry with me in sports makes my blood sugars high, then I crash with extreme “lows.” It’s a never ending battle with me, and it becomes very exhausting. But my mom has always taught me to fight and push through any obstacle that life may toss at me, and well diabetes is just one of those obstacles that I’m going to overcome! Why? Because I am a Warrior! A T1D Warrior!

My Health Details

Type of Diabetes:Type 1

Low blood sugar instances per week:6+ Instances

Daily number of times checking blood sugar:7+ times/day

Managing Diabetes with:Insulin Pump

You can find Leilah on Instagram at @Leilah_T1strong.athlete