
Join A Diabetes Online Community | Transcend Glucose Gels

Written by Transcend Foods | Mar 17, 2021 4:00:00 AM

March 17, 2021 


Social media has become a crucial part of our everyday lives. In the last year, everything has gone virtual and we had to make a lot of adjustments to our lives. We gather news updates, connect with family and friends, shop and build communities through social media, especially in a COVID-19 world. 

Day to day life for a diabetic can be difficult to manage sometimes and then add all these exterior challenges, sometimes you need a safe space to vent, learn and just speak to others with similar questions. Your family and friends offer endless support but sometimes they cannot truly relate because they aren’t living with diabetes. After some research overseen by Journal of Medical Internet Research, “highly engaged with diabetes online communication have better blood sugar levels compared to those with lower engagement.”

In a consumer world, social media is there for information seekers, product reviews, recommendations and advice from others with knowledge that you may not have. We love our Transcend community and we want to grow together, support each other, and live our best lives online and in real life. Transcend wants to be there for you and we want to have constant connection with our Transcend family. With all of that being said, be sure to follow us on all of our socials because we are hosting 2 giveaways this month. The best part of being part of any community, is giving back and we want to give back to you. 

If you’re looking to join our Diabetes Online Community, sign up to become a Transcend Warrior and follow us on social media!