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You could say Transcend began out of a selfish desire to feel better—normal even. Living with spiraling blood sugar levels, episodes of waking up in an ambulance, and the constant fear that yet again, I’d be force-fed a disgusting tube of glucose paste, I knew there had to be a better way. Between the highs and lows, the frustrations and worries, I was at my wit's end, and I knew I wasn’t the only one feeling this way.

So, I set out to develop a solution. Knowing that our T1D community deals with low blood sugars at the worst moments, I wanted a solution that was quick and easy and, for the love of God, tasted good. Was it even possible? After years of research and development, rounds and rounds of packaging prototypes, blood, sweat, and maybe a few tears, Transcend Foods was born.

Today, we’re helping those living with diabetes ditch the sodas, candies, and juices for good-tasting, precisely formulated glucose gels and shots that deliver 15g of fast-acting glucose, exactly what’s needed to refuel, respond, and take action.

We’re far from finished, though. Our team is constantly researching, developing, and testing solutions that will help take “living with diabetes” to “living life to the fullest with diabetes.”

You deserve it, and I hope you’ll join me on this journey.

Ethan, Transcend Founder + T1D

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Why We Do
What We Do

We’re here to tell you there’s a better way to live.
We’re firm believers that diabetes does not control us. It doesn’t define who we are or have the right to take away a meaningful life worth living. At Transcend, we’re focused on providing freedom. Freedom from the limitations the disease presents. Freedom from the worries, frustrations, and boundaries diabetes tries to put in place for us. Sure, we have setbacks and bad days, but those aren’t weaknesses—those are true feelings of warriors living with an invisible illness.
We see you!
We see your struggles, your triumphs and we’re here to support them. Transcend was born out of a frustration to find a better way to live.
And we won’t stop until we get there.