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Transcend Warrior – Alison Blank

July 21, 2020

My Story:

I was diagnosed at 25 years old, it was definitely a learning curve. When I was diagnosed I had 3 kids and I was scared that my diagnosis was a death sentence, I knew very little about type 1 diabetes and from what I did hear people didn’t live long and it scared me, I was very depressed for a few months.. I read, asked questions, and learned so much and I still learn new things everyday! I have became comfortable and almost thankful because now I have a greater love of life. I now am pregnant with my 6th child and I know as long as I do my best I don’t need to fear for a short life. So I manage through lows and highs and I keep on, sometimes I get frustrated but I know that will not fix a low or a high so I keep pushing and I look at my beautiful family and they are my inspiration to be the best me so I can be the best for them!

My Health Details
Type of Diabetes:Type 1
Low blood sugar instances per week:6+ Instances
Daily number of times checking blood sugar:7+ times/day
Managing Diabetes with:Insulin Shots
What age were you diagnosed with diabetes?16+
How long does it typically take you to come up when you are low?1-2 hours
What is your biggest challenge with diabetes?

Sometimes I find things most challenging when it comes to being active like hunting, walks, the very active things because I get a lot of lows, so even if I’m trying to lose weight or stay healthy I feel like I’m just putting those calories and carbs back in as I am exercising just to keep a decent blood glucose level.

What have you learned from your experiences with diabetes?

I have learned so much since I became a diabetic, I learned to love and live life differently. I learned more healthy habits, nutritional education, endocrine system, and how to manage myself daily.

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