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Transcend Warrior – Erika Croft

November 19, 2019

My Story:

I make the conscious decision every day when I wake up to not let Type 1 hold me back from doing the things that I love. Diabetes can be frustrating and it can be complicated, but it is a part of me and has shown me how strong I can be. You only get one body and it needs to be treated well. I use fitness as a way to better manage my diabetes and it has had such a significant impact on every aspect of my life along the way. I will never let my diagnosis hold me back from achieving my goals and being the best version of myself I can possibly be!

My Health Details
Type of Diabetes:Type 1
Low blood sugar instances per week:4-5 Instances
Daily number of times checking blood sugar:7+ times/day
Managing Diabetes with:Insulin Shots
How has Transcend helped treat your low blood sugars?

Very fast acting and taste great! No gritty taste like glucose tabs


You can find Erika on Instagram at @epcfitness

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