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Transcend Warrior – JuanCarlos EscobarRomo

August 19, 2019

My Story:

My name is JuanCarlos I was born in May 9, 1992 in the Central Part of Mexico in Panfilo Natera, Zacatecas. At the age of 2 years, 8 months, I fell ill. At first I was diagnosed with food poisoning. It wasn’t until blood work was done where I was already at high glucose levels and minutes from DKA.

In Mexico there was treatment, but the cost was/is too high for a family of Farmers. So thanks to my Uncle, my mom, 2 brothers, my sister and myself immigrated to San Antonio, TX, USA.

Since I was young I’ve had to mature quicker than normal thus marking me to this day to never give up and always do thing the MERAKI way (Do things with Soul, Passion, Love & Creativity)

I’m working in the service industry most of the time with the RK GROUP & continue to manage my T1D through medication, constantly checking my blood sugars, and exercising regularly by running, weight lifting or playing soccer.

My Health Details

Type 1 Diabetes

Low blood sugar instances per week: 4-5

Daily number of times checking blood sugar: 1-3

Managing Diabetes with: Insulin Shots

How has Transcend helped treat your low blood sugars?

It helps me raise my blood sugars while maintaining control on my blood sugar with out a spike.

You can find JuanCarlos on Instagram: @jcarlosescpbar28

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