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Transcend Warrior – Mary Gibeault

May 11, 2020

My Story:

I work in an animal wellness facility and constantly battle lows while helping treat them.

My Health Details
Type of Diabetes:Type 1
Low blood sugar instances per week:4-5 Instances
Daily number of times checking blood sugar:4-6 times/day
Managing Diabetes with:Insulin Shots
What age were you diagnosed with diabetes?16+
How long does it typically take you to come up when you are low?1-2 hours
Do you have a diabetic hero that you look up to? If so, who and why?

Not necessarily a hero, but my friend’s daughter was diagnosed at 2 years old, she’s now 7 and the most optimistic/informative little girl ever.

What is your biggest challenge with diabetes?

Preventing blood sugar lows.

What have you learned from your experiences with diabetes?


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